Our Deal
Simwy is a firm that offers facilitation, consultation, corporate advisory and management services to clients in the focussed use property industry with special emphasis on the hospitality property industry.
Simwy has subsequently expanded its focus areas to include co-investment with its partner clients into earmarked projects and the provision of the services it offers in the technological platform sector. We are not brokers. We partner with like-minded clients to achieve common objectives and will, more often than not, co-invest with our partner clients as a result. We have a network of affiliates in Western Europe and Southern Africa with whom we choose to work from time to time.
Simwy is incorporated in the Netherlands with its head office located near Eindhoven.

Our Deal
Simwy is a firm that offers facilitation, consultation, corporate advisory and management services to clients in the focussed use property industry with special emphasis on the hospitality property industry.
Simwy has subsequently expanded its focus areas to include co-investment with its partner clients into earmarked projects and the provision of the services it offers in the technological platform sector. We are not brokers. We partner with like-minded clients to achieve common objectives and will, more often than not, co-invest with our partner clients as a result. We have a network of affiliates in Western Europe and Southern Africa with whom we choose to work from time to time.
Simwy is incorporated in the Netherlands with its head office located near Eindhoven.
Corporate Mission
To build a network of mutually beneficial partnerships with our partner clients through shared value systems based on trust and mutual respect.
To build sustainable and long-lasting partnerships with our clients in the focused use property, financial services and technological platform sectors through co-investment with our partner clients and the supply of high-quality management, consultation, corporate advisory and investment facilitation services.
To share the benefits of our foresight in order to inform opportunistic decision-making today.”

Corporate Mission
To build a network of mutually beneficial partnerships with our partner clients through shared value systems based on trust and mutual respect.
To build sustainable and long-lasting partnerships with our clients in the focused use property, financial services and technological platform sectors through co-investment with our partner clients and the supply of high-quality management, consultation, corporate advisory and investment facilitation services.
To share the benefits of our foresight in order to inform opportunistic decision-making today.”
Recent Successes
“Restructured distressed 50-room hotel in Cape Town environs. Stabilised operation and procured purchaser through an open tender process. Total value: R 16m”
2010 - 2019
“Restructured distressed 60-room hotel in Cape Town CBD. Procured mezzanine and senior debt funding, installed management company and stabilised operation. Appointed asset manager for the same hotel investment. Total value :R 50m”
2014 - 2017
“Advised on restructuring of five star hotel investment. Procured senior debt funding and implemented transaction to final completion. Appointed asset manager for the same hotel investment. Total value: R 95m”
2015 - 2017
“Advised on acquisition of controlling share in mid-market hotel in Cape Town CBD. Procured senior debt funding and implemented transaction to final completion. Appointed asset manager for the same hotel investment. Total value: R 8m.”
- Retained to procure investors for a commercial property investment in Sandton CBD, Johannesburg. Total value: R 40m.
- Retained to establish a commercial property fund for an existing privately held commercial property portfolio. Total value: R 850m.
- Advised on transaction for ultimate acquisition of mid-market hotel in Cape Town CBD. Procured equity funding and implemented transaction to final completion. Appointed asset manager for the same hotel investment. Total value: R 19m.
- Retained to advise on long term strategic residential property development in Cape Town environs. Total Value: R 600m.
- Retained to advise and establish a craft brewery and allied classic car business in Somerset West environs. Total Value: R 5m.
- Facilitated and advised on disposal of two property brokerage businesses – R 3.5m.
- Facilitated disposal of five-star hotel investment – R 175m.
Advised on acquisition, redevelopment and procurement of senior, mezzanine debt and equity funding for student accommodation property. Total Value: R 35m.
Advised on disposal of aviation investment property. Total Value: R 50m.
- Advised on disposal of high-end residential development property in southern suburbs, Cape Town. Total Value: R 103m.
- Retained to advise on disposal of private equity investment portfolio. Total Value: R 900m.
Retained to advise on disposal of private investment in the financial services sector. Total Value: R 50m.